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Maulshri Kanyal

A Multidisciplinary Sketch Artist

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Visual Sketch Portfolio

Without "Art" the Earth would just be "Eh"

A Peek through the soul

Reality is often very deceiving, a thing about beauty can easily be mistaken for something very unpleasant, and something treacherous can be identified as ethical. A mere act of seeing is very difficult if you look at it. Often among the people around us, few are the ones who actually feel or see our inner beauty, sometimes we fail to recognise them, and sometimes we do. It's a very beautiful feeling to recognise the someone. Very hard to find them, but once they are found, it's always beautiful.


They live inside us

This is a sketch of a woman who somehow looks was never already the inhuman way she is now. She might have had a very vibrant personality is nowhere to be found now. It's so unbelievable how one's consciousness can take such a turn? It is just the negativity we carry inside us. Even the theory of relativity can state that wherever there is positivity, there'll always be some sort of negativity hanging around. Both are always co-existent. Only if we surround ourselves with more and more positivity or even just pretend to be positive, we can tame this "creature" inside us.

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